What a ledgend
 "This is a rendition done for me by Victoria Preece, my partner in photography. I love it, it's so me!" |
Action Ja
 "That's me, a man of action" |
Pilot Ja
 "Yes I do fly, and I like playing with big expencive toys, who doesn't? This is an F-14D from the carrier USS Constellation CV-64. Photo by Joe Yu USN" |
Arty Ja
 "I have an apperciation of art in all forms of the sence, this was taken outside the New South Wales Art Gallery, in the back ground is my former employer, the Australian Navy" |
Rest now Ja
 "Even I like to take a break in my work" |
Businessman Ja
 "This is me in the shop where I buy all my equipment, if you live in Sydney they are located in Chatswood; "Lemongrove Cameras- Lemongrove Shopping Center, Victoria St Chatswood" they're in the phone book and the owners name is Jay" |