Eye Products International

The Collective Works

Eye Products International, a world wide company based in Australia. With a wealth of experience in all the fields, if they don't know how to do it, they get someone in who does.

As a customer, if you're not happy with the work, we won't stop till you are! This assurence gives you the utmost confidence in our work and dedication to the task at hand.

Ja Worsley
Ja's been taking photos since he was four years old.
At the age of 22, he started EPI armed with a Cannon EOS 1000fn and borrowed lenses.

Today he has two Cannon EOS systems, a 620 and a 630. He has his own lenses ranging from 28mm to a huge 500mm. Also equiped with a 2x extender and various special effects filters.

Ja's specialities are Military, Children, Animals, Landscapes and Portraits. Only working out doors, his work has won prizes and been critically acclaimed.
His aim is to bring the world in to focus, his personal motto is, "If you can't photograph it, you can't imagine it"!

What to expect
Only the best will suffice, anything less is not what you paid for! To this end we hope that you enjoy the pictures sampled here.

Plans and Up Coming Events!
We still have plans to bring you a compelation of Cabramatta. This mysterious part of the east in our own back yard, see the people, places and the way of life that still scares alot of people into avoiding this area.

We also are planing a series on the beaches of New South Wales, come with us as we explore the life style that most Australians enjoy and every Australian is known for.

If there is something you consider would make great subject material, let us know, we'll see what we can do about it. All requests are welcomed!

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